This blog is for anyone! Male or female. Young, beautifully aged, or somewhere in between. Married, engaged, dating, or single. I just want to share what God is showing me with everyone. God has opened my eyes in my marriage! I am on a journey to truly understand and comprehend what God intends marriage to be. Marriage is so much more than living together, sharing a bank account and a home, having sex and starting a family, and it is even more than loving each other. All of these things are WONDERFUL but I truly believe that God wants marriage to be so much more for us. Join me in the journey to invite God into my marriage and invite the Devil out! I want marriages to be free of the devil and of worldly ideas and things and to be full of God's beauty, grace, and joy. Even if you aren't a Christian, just follow along with me! It's going to be a wonderful, beautiful adventure!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I've recently become aware of two "dating" services. Except they aren't for "dating". The services openly state that they are for "hook-ups" only, one is even for affairs. AFFAIRS! There is a website out there openly helping people anonymously become a member and cheat on their spouse. What is this world coming to? The Devil has slowly but surely transformed us from a nation, and world, based on faith in God and conservative views into a nation supportive of "hook-ups", affairs, divorce, and casual sex. Isn't he sneaky? 
13,590,000 members.
Thirteen and a half million members ready to cheat.

The other one I can't remember the name of.
It's a commercial and starts with a guy, dressed nicely, proposing to a woman with flowers. Suddenly another man walks up and kicks him out of the camera shot and says something like "You're too hot to get married. Wanna hook up?" Basically the message is that marriage is for losers and only the cool people casually hook up. Who gets serious and commits? 

Both make me absolutely sick. The sanctity of marriage has become completely disrespected in our culture. 

"You shall not commit adultery."
Exodus 20:14

I bet if I asked both of the founders of those services what the 10 commandments were they would have no idea. The bible also states this about marriage:

"Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."
Hebrews 13:4

There are countless verses in the Bible that state God's view on marriage. The problem in our world is that people aren't reading their Bibles or they don't own one. The Devil uses the world and the "evolution" of our culture to tell us that we all need to "sew our wild oats" and "go crazy", especially during our young, college-age years. The world tells us that sure, we should get married, but only after we've had our time and are older, and ready to start a family. After all, these days it's completely acceptable if you are in a relationship to just move in together, sleep together, and not make a commitment. Or so the world tells us. God's opinion hasn't changed. Sex should be reserved for marriage. Marriage is a commitment and a union of two lives not to be taken lightly. 

I don't know why I was so surprised to hear of these services. The way our world has become it should be no shock that services like this exist. I think for me it's more of a sadness. My heart hurts for the founders and participants in these services. My prayer is that they would understand what they're missing out on. The participants of don't understand what a gift their marriages are and what they are sacrificing by searching for an affair. The participants of a hook-up website don't understand what they are missing out on by not holding out for marriage. Marriage is beyond worth waiting for. Being married so young I guess I'm not the best person to talk about waiting but I know what a christian marriage looks like. I know how wonderful it can be when God is the focus. Marriage is worth it!

My prayers are with all of you reading this. That you would understand how wonderful marriage is. How wonderful YOUR marriage can be. If you're struggling in your marriage don't give up! The Devil wants you to fail but God wants your marriage to thrive! Seek him and your marriage will benefit. If you aren't married yet, wait! Seek God's heart and hold out for what he has in store for you. It's so much better than an affair or a casual hook-up!


  1. Ashley Madison had a SuperBowl commercial a few years ago. I was so in disgust with the NFL for allowing it. Then I'm pretty sure they apologized, but still... I'm so glad you're keeping this blog. Love you!

  2. Thanks :) Yeah I actually came across that trying to find that commercial I had seen... It just makes me sick.
